“Transpersonal” is a term used to describe areas of conciousness extending beyond the limits of personal identity, in which it becomes an expression of spirituality during one’s search in self discovery. While an individual is discovering every beings unity by extending beyond itself in the search of spirituality, it is also questioning the form and space it occupies through symbols and healing power of color. Through installation art to perfomance art by using color and symbols Transpersonal is displaying a person in trans searching its own spirit in a selfless stage like the masters of spirituality. Also
decoding counciousness that extends beyond itself by extending its own occupied space to extend the gaze of the viewer. Modern day individual’s search of spirituality is represented here by presenting the viewer iconas, totems and shamanism. Performane
work, installation art and recently written novel, B333
Transpersonal, are going through wide research and knowledge on mysticism, meditation, cosmos and cosmic conciousness to emphasize the meaning behind Transpersonal psychology.