Transit is the route, remedy and healing receipe of spirit’s connection in unity with every each study of colourful mushrooms, which helps trees to communicate and nature to fertilize itself through death and rebirth. Every different animal figure emphasizing emotional freedom through the use of symbols and color healing.
Sezin Aksoy is presenting us with Animal Medicine, and natures partnership with true self awareness. Every human’s interconnection to animals, nature, and Earth through detailed pointed brush strokes of animal figures such as colorful butterflies, dragonflies and insects in order to find grounding. Transit is through finding personal self reflection under the emotional change of animals within spiritual connection. This is the quest to find true self through every each human and their true connection within unity of space.
Under Transit, every each gazer will change harmful emotions of stress to uplifting healing emotions by remembering true self in traditional quest of shamanic Animal Medicine. Every chosen color in Sezin Aksoy’s work is representing human emotions under color healing. On the other hand, every chosen form of animal has a symbolic meaning in spirituality. Thus, they emphasize the need of self awareness through symbols, forms and color through her use of light.